Yesterday I went and got new snow tires fitted and my car realigned, it's suppose to get very cold next week.
Few other things we will be doing/have done.
As I said in my 5 tips on how to light fire for less post we have stocked up on coal and logs
I have purchased 2 mini radiators for the kids room as we won't be using oil this year.
All curtains are lined and all external doors have curtains.
Big rug is down in the livingroom.
Cosy jammies have been purchased, normally we get the kids from primark but homebargains were cheaper this year.Mine were from primark.
New coats have been purchased for all those that needed them, I managed to find an old one that still fitted me and twins didn't need 1.
Blankets have been dug out for on beds and over the back of the sofa.
Electric blankets will be purchased for the kids very soon, we've been using ours for awhile now.
If you need them dig out or make draft excluders, we are very lucky we don't need any.
Tape up any gaps in windows (again we are very lucky we don't need this either)
Dig out last years, gloves/hats scarfs- I buy my gloves from poundland mostly as they do 2 for £1 in kids sizes, as they are magic gloves they fit me grand, I have some free ones i got with an eBay code for this year.
Start layering, vest tops under clothes, 2 pairs of socks, rights under jeans it all helps keep you cosy. My feet are my main problem so as soon as I come home i take my shoes off and put my slipper boots or fake uggs on.
Get dry shoes, nothing is worse than wet feet, it makes everything seem miserable. I got a new pair of boots last week from this site. I bought a lovely wooly poncho aswell and both cost me £14, I have several pairs of shoes from them but you would never guess they cost £5 and alot have tags on with much much higher prices .eBay is also really good for shoes, I don't even mean used ones. just watch they aren't coming from china/hongkong or they won't be here in time.
I bet none of your kids have wet feet but quite a few of you do, I have glued shoes myself before, now it's something I make sure i have money for.
if you take them keep a stock of cold and flu tablets...the sooner you take them the sooner they have a chance to work.
And lastly stock up on tea bags, coffee sugar and hot chocolate. warm drinks help warm you from the inside, I quite like warm custard aswell :)
I mentioned quite a few different shops in this post, none of this is advert that's where I find to be the best value for me.
You are prepared Sian! I definitely need to get ready for winter. Bought cold medicine/cough drops but need tea/hot chocolate/coffee, some good boots etc. It's getting cold here now so there is no time to waste ~ Pru