Weekends are our worst time for spending so making it out the otherside with low spends is always good for us :)
I usually love mondays because i get to see my savings to up, but not this week :( my tax credits, child benefit and the little bit of leftover pay went straight to the creditcard leaving me with just 40p in one account 87p in another and £4.84 in my purse. I don't need any food until the weekend except for bread which will cost me £1.70 and some milk at £1 so i'm ok.I will get some more money on friday.
Lazy day today, with some cleaning and not alot else, have to nip to town to collect a presciption later but thats about it.
Foodwise today
Me and hubby
breakfast- we slept in he had nothing and i have rice crackers with peanut butter.
morning snack-protein shake and a banana
lunch-baked sweet potatoe with half a chicken breast and some leftover green beans
afternoon snack-protein shake
dinner-chicken breast with whatever veg i can find in the freezer and some bbq sauce
before bed-protein shake
lunch- cheese sandwichs, banana/apple
dinner-meatballs and spagetti, rice and oranges
Snacks will be the usual fruit or maybe even a kitkat (homebargains do 10 kitkats for £1)
So thats me for today not much happening infact theres unlikely to be much happening all week.
Hope you all have a lovely frugal day.
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